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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Holding On to Hope... Please say a prayer for Nick Glasgow

Tonight I read that Nick Glasgow has relapsed.

It took me a few minutes to let that sink in.

Each time I read about the relapse of another patient I've come to know of online it feels like a kick in the gut. If you recall, Nick is the 27 year old, 3/4 Caucasian 1/4 Japanese, Bay Area man who was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukemia this year. He's also the patient who was told there was 0% chance of him finding a marrow match. To that end his family, friends and complete strangers around the world rallied to his cause and in two months time two 10/10 matches had been located for him. He received his transplant about a month after Tami and had been dealing with many of the similar post transplant issues Tami has been dealing with.

The last blog post his Grandpa had posted on September 9th was one of great news. He said that Nick was "cancer free."

And then on the 28th he posted that the day before they had learned that the cancer had come back.

His Grandpa said:
"Nick took the dreadful news with great equanimity and shook the doctor’s hand and said “thank you for giving me a chance” with the transplant. From among the limited options left, Nick elected to have hospice care at home. Stanford will release Nick as soon as they have his graft/host disease under better control….which will be either Monday or Tuesday of next week. There is still a tiny sliver of a chance (one in a million) that Nick’s new stem cells will somehow overcome the cancer. Our high hopes for Nick’s recovery have been crushed by this terrible news and we are all sick at heart. Only a miracle can save Nick now."

So please, say a prayer for Nick. Keep him in your thoughts. Hold on to hope that Nick will receive another miracle, that his new stem cells will overcome the new leukemic cells and he will once again attain remission. Praying, praying, praying...

1 comment:

  1. I am SO sorry to hear this. I remember hearing about Nick through someone at work, and at the time they were still trying to find a match for him. He overcame the odds once -- I have hope he can do it again. Sending positive thoughts his way.
