To Read Tami's Story from the Beginning

Just CLICK HERE. Her blog begins on March 12, 2009 with a post titled "Tami's Myelodysplasia Diagnosis." Then at the bottom of each post, click on the words "Newer Post" located just below the comments section on each page.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Post Stem Cell Transplant: Day +21

The hydration people came to her apartment yesterday to show her how to use the equipment. I haven't heard how that went yet this morning so I'll try to update later today.

Yesterday Tami's blood counts did rise again so that's more good news. I will try to find out what her counts are and give you a comparative to "normal" counts to give you a better idea of where Tami is at in re-establishing her immune system, etc. I do know it takes months, not weeks, for this to happen so it will be a an ongoing process. 

Thanks for all of the messages for Tami via her contact page on her website. She really appreciates them.

Visitor Status: Tami is not up for visits at this time

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