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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Post Stem Cell Transplant: Day +25

The Mucositis pain in Tami's mouth and throat is finally gone! YAY! There are two lingering side effects though: One is that her taste buds are not quite right and everything she eats tastes "pasty." The other side effect is that her mouth continues to feel too "sticky." But thankfully she is pain free these days. Exhausted from her meds but pain free.

While Tam's blood counts continue to improve she will most likely remain in Seattle for at least two more months. This is typical post transplant for patients to remain near their treatment hospital for several months following their transplant.

Tami also continues to need to hydrate her one liter per day. Still not sure how long she will need to do this for but I'll let you know when I find out. Have not been able to speak to my mom for several days to find out more details but will try again tomorrow.

Tami is not up for visits at this time.

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