To Read Tami's Story from the Beginning

Just CLICK HERE. Her blog begins on March 12, 2009 with a post titled "Tami's Myelodysplasia Diagnosis." Then at the bottom of each post, click on the words "Newer Post" located just below the comments section on each page.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Post Stem Cell Transplant: Day +5

Sorry but Tami is not up to visitors today

Today Tami will need a platelet transfusion. If you go back through the past 5 days you may have noticed that I am including the blue tube on her day-by-day illustrations to denote that she is receiving platelets that day and the red tube if she received a blood transfusion. 

At the moment her nausea has finally subsided and she ate a Breakfast Burrito this morning. Her doctors are so pleased with the fact that she is still able to eat a wide range of different types of foods despite the chemo.

The mucositis I mentioned yesterday worsened only slightly since yesterday so again, her doctors are very pleased with Tami's progress.

Posted by Stacie (Tami's cousin)

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