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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chemotherapy Day #1

Today Tami had her first round of chemo. The infusion lasted about an hour. About 3/4 of the way through Tami felt flushed so they gave her Benadryl in case she was having some type of allergic reaction. Thankfully this was her only negative reaction so far.

Her apatite was good today and she took a couple of short walks around the hospital where she is now an admitted in-patient.

She has had a few family members visit her in the past two days but in the upcoming weeks she will have fewer visitors due to having less energy and she will need to be protected from opportunistic infections as her white blood count will drop to zero and she will once again be neutropenic once the chemo has done its job. Neutropenia is when the white blood count is so low that even the most common germs or infections can become fatal as the immune system is compromised.

I did learn that her six rounds of chemo will be administered over 6 days.

I have not received confirmation that her donor is beginning his injection process to overstimulate his marrow so that it will release his stem cells for the PBSC harvest. But to meet the transplant date next week I believe he has to have begun his treatments.

I will post an update tomorrow to let you know how her second day goes.

Thank you for checking in.

Posted by Stacie (Tami's cousin)

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