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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Post Stem Cell Transplant: Day +46

Man. Just when we thought Tami was sailing through her recovery... Some gram negative bacteria showed up in her blood draw Thursday evening. At 11:00 PM Tami received a phone call asking her and my mom to come back to the hospital so that they could begin administering antibiotics immediately.

She felt fine and had no idea that she had developed an infection. This is the most shocking to me only because her white blood cell count has been back in safe ranges for over 2 weeks now.

My mom wonders where she could have picked it up. Could it have been at the ball game? What if it was when they were out to lunch? Or out shopping? But her doctors had told her she could go anywhere and that walking and exercise are a necessary part of her recovery. So I guess this is just one of those things that come up during recovery. I mean a lot of people get infections while they are in the hospital so there's no sense in playing that ever annoying "what if" game.

She will be released soon and she can continue her treatment from her apartment. That's the plan for now. Will keep you posted and will let you know as soon as she is back at her own place.

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