To Read Tami's Story from the Beginning

Just CLICK HERE. Her blog begins on March 12, 2009 with a post titled "Tami's Myelodysplasia Diagnosis." Then at the bottom of each post, click on the words "Newer Post" located just below the comments section on each page.

Monday, August 31, 2009

GVHD is Attacking Tami's Skin +62

Aw man. Just when it seemed like the worst was over Tami developed two infections and now it turns out the rash that appeared on her skin last Friday before I left Seattle is in fact the Graft vs. Host Disease making a second appearance.

You may recall the first time was a week after the transplant that Tami's intestines came under attack by the new donor cells. Now it's her skin that the donor cells have identified as "foreign" to them. You might remember that the donor cells don't realize they are in a new body so Tami's tissue appears to be the invader that needs to be attacked by the donor cells.

She is also still being treated with liters of fluid to flush a viral infection out of her system along with IV meds. I can't even imagine how she is feeling right now. I felt like I was kicked in the gut when my mom told me on the phone this morning. Hopefully the new meds will get this latest GVHD episode under control quickly. GVHD can be moderate to serious. I'm praying that hers doesn't go beyond moderate. SHE SO NEEDS A FREAKING BREAK!

1 comment:

  1. Hope they get it under control soon too. She of all people deserve to feel better and not constantly have to fight. Sending her lots of positive thoughts and prayers!
