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Friday, May 15, 2009

How Tami is Feeling

Great news, yesterday Tami did not have to go get her blood drawn as an outpatient because her counts have been so steady. However, today her red blood count had dropped so she did have to have a blood infusion. 

The good news is that her platelet count is continuing to rise so she did not need a platelet transfusion. To be clear, her platelet level is still well below the lower normal range for platelets but her platelets are now higher then they've been since her diagnosis so the doctors are very curious as to why all of a sudden her marrow is once again producing some healthier platelets. The results of the bone marrow biopsy probably won't be back until next week but they may shed some light on the "why."

All in all Tami feels ok. When her red count falls it seems like she typically feels less energetic which makes sense because it means her body and vital organs aren't receiving as much oxygen as they need. Once she receives her transfusion she usually feels better right away. Her transfusions are still being washed and irradiated to reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction to them.

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