To Read Tami's Story from the Beginning

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Live Marrow Donor Drive at Red Mango Valley Fair

Yesterday we had a live donor drive at Valley Fair Mall. Thanks so much to Red Mango Frozen Yogurt for allowing us to use their space for the afternoon and for offering free, small, single topping frozen yogurts to all who joined the National Marrow Registry.

Renting space in the mall was well beyond our budget so the invitation to use their space was very much appreciated.

Thanks so much to all of you who either came down because you heard about the drive or decided on the spot to try to help Michelle, Tami and Matthew.

Thank you also to all of you who took the flyers and packets of cards to help us spread the word. Your efforts make the drive successful beyond the day of. Just think if the person you tell becomes the match for someone in need? You did that! You helped to save a life!

Glenna from the Asian American Donor Program ( was there to help us out for the drive. The AADP is a recruitment group of the National Marrow Donor Program.

Thanks to all of the volunteers who came to help out yesterday. We couldn't have done it without you!

Thanks to Team Matthew for their unwavering support.

Thanks also to my friend Vicki who not only came down to volunteer but also encouraged some of her friends to come down to join the Registry.

Thanks to Andrew Hsu of Studio MSV who brought his family down and filmed this video short for us. It helps to show what a live drive is like and answers some of the questions you might have about the donor program and those in need.

Posted by Stacie (Tami's cousin)

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