To Read Tami's Story from the Beginning

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Post Stem Cell Transplant: Day +18

Tami's Neutrophil count is at 500! If she is feeling ok tomorrow Tami get's to become an out-patient again! When a transplant patient's blood Neutrophil count reaches 500 it means they are successfully engrafting and the new donor cells are producing lots of white blood cells, enough that their immune system is strengthening. In transplant patients doctors want to see a Neutrophil count of at least 500 for 2-3 consecutive days. Tami is there so tomorrow she will be released from her hospital room, if she feels up to it, and will once again live in her apartment on the hospital campus. She will continue to need daily monitoring and will catch the hospital shuttle to go in for blood draws and transufsion etc. But reaching 500 is a milestone moment for any transplant patient! YAY!

It's normal for all patients to feel some ambivalence at leaving the safe environment of the hospital itself with all of the staff and treatments so close at hand. Tami is feeling slightly anxious about this but her doctor has assured her that this is a normal feeling that most patients go through. I'm sure as soon as she's able to sleep well with none of the distractions that her hospital room had, nurses coming in to take readings, etc., she'll love relaxing back in her own space again.

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